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Featherston Booktown Karukatea Festival 2022


8–12 June 2022

We are grateful to our major sponsors and key partners


Nau mai ki Featherston Booktown Karukatea Festival 2022!


Main Programme
of Events


List of Presenters


Fold out Mini-Guide
& Venue Map 


& Self-Publishers


Around Featherston
Throughout the Weekend



Jump directly to our main page on Evenfinda:
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8–10 June 2022

Featherston Booktown Young Readers Programme in Schools

List of Sold Out Events

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Stories from Here
and There

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Mrs. Blackwell's
High Tea

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Campfire Tales
on Friday

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Politics & Prose


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Te Kupenga, 101 Stories of Aotearoa from the Turnbull

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Off the Page (both sessions) 

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Bookbinding Workshop with Robyn Ramsden

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Who's On The Couch?
Witi Ihimaera

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Papermaking Workshop

on Sunday

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Ulysses, the Story
of a Book

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Let Me Tell You of My Country (1)

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Publisher Spotlight: 

Roger Steele

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Come the Red Bus 

with Chris Candy

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Author Spotlight: Noelle McCarthy and Megan Dunn

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Papermaking Workshop on Saturday

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Fish'n'Chip Supper:
Opening Night

Progamme Updates & Cancellations

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Programme Update:  Mrs Blackwell's High Tea: Due to unforeseen circumstances, Jenny Bornholdt will be unavailable to appear at this session. Due to a positive COVID test, Lynda Hallinan will be unable to appear in person but will be appearing at the High Tea via a live Zoom link. We wish to thank Festival patrons for their ongoing patience and understanding with these programme changes in what is proving to be challenging times in which to plan large public events.

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Programme Update:  50 Years of Read NZ: Due to unforeseen circumstances, Renée will be unavailable to appear at this session.

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Programme Update:  Walking Towards Writing: Due to unforeseen circumstances, Catharina van Bohemen will be unavailable to appear at this session.

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Programme Update:  From Page to Screen: Due to unforeseen circumstances, Briar Grace-Smith will be unavailable to appear at this session.

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Event Update:  Immediately following Dr Marco Sonzogni's talk on Ulysses, the Story of a Book by James Joyce, there will be an exclusive screening of the documentary 100 Years of Ulysses. This has been made possible through the generous support of the South Wairarapa District Council and the Irish Embassy in New Zealand. 

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Event Change:  Poems Against Sustainability will only be on Saturday 11 June at 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM in the Kauri Room at the Featherston Community Centre. It will no longer take place on Sunday 12 June at Dorset Square as was previously advertised. 

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Programme Update:  Author Spotlight: Dame Fiona Kidman: Due to unforeseen circumstances, Noelle McCarthy will be unavailable to appear at this session; however, the illustrious writer and poet Owen Marshall will be taking Noelle's place to converse with Dame Fiona about her incredible career spanning nearly seven decades.

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Programme Update:  Sir Richard Taylor can now be confirmed as the celebrity to appear to speak at the opening of The Lord of the Rings Quiz on Saturday 11 June 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM at the Featherston School Hall.

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Programme Update:  Late Night Lit: Poetry Unbound: Due to unforeseen circumstances, Jenny Bornholdt and Gregory O'Brien will be unavailable to appear at this session.

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Programme Update:  Women Go Wild: Due to unforeseen circumstances, Noelle McCarthy will be unavailable to appear at this session.

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Programme Errata:  Campfire Tales on Saturday 11 June will run from 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM (i.e. not from 11:00 PM as the website previously stated. Tickets already purchased are valid for the new date and time; however, you will be fully refunded if you cannot make that new time slot. Please contact if you wish to be refunded.

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Time Change:  A Clear Dawn on at 1:00 PM on Saturday 11 June in the venue of Waimarie/RSA will now be at the new time of 11:00 AM - Midday. Tickets already purchased are valid for the new date and time; however, you will be fully refunded if you cannot make that new time slot. Please contact if you wish to be refunded.

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Venue and Time Change:  From Page to Screen on at 11:00 AM on Saturday 11 June in the Kiwi Hall will now be at the new time of 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM in the new venue of Waimarie/RSA. Tickets already purchased are valid for the new date and time; however, you will be fully refunded if you cannot make that new time slot. Please contact if you wish to be refunded.

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Venue Change:  Author Spotlight: Megan Dunn and Noelle McCarthy on Memoir on at 11:00 AM on Saturday 11 June to the new venue of Kiwi Hall. Tickets already purchased are valid for the new date and time; however, you will be fully refunded if you cannot make that new time slot. Please contact if you wish to be refunded.

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Programme Update:  Taking a Publishing Punt: Due to unforeseen circumstances, Caro DeCarlo will be unavailable to appear at this session; however, we are thrilled to have author Asha Davida Jane step into our esteemed panel.

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Programme Update:  50 Years of Feminism: Due to unforeseen circumstances, we've had to change the date and time for this event from Sunday 12 June at 11:00 AM to Saturday 11 June at 1:00 PM, Kiwi Hall. Tickets already purchased are valid for the new date and time; however, you will be fully refunded if you cannot make that new time slot. Please contact if you wish to be refunded.

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Programme Update:  Politics and Prose: Due to unforeseen circumstances, we've had to change the date and time for this event from Saturday 11 June at 1:00 PM to Sunday 12 June at 11:00 AM​, Kiwi HallTickets already purchased are valid for the new date and time; however, you will be fully refunded if you cannot make that new time slot. Please contact if you wish to be refunded. 

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Printed Mini-Guide Errata:
Story Craft Workshop with Melinda Szymanik for Ages 7–12.

The correct date and time should be Sunday 12 June 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

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Printed Mini-Guide Errata:
Saturday Campfire Tales (R13)

The correct date and time should be Saturday 11 June 10:00 PM to 11:00 PM

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Printed Mini-Guide Errata:
Stories from Here and There.

The correct date and time should be Sunday 12 June 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM


Welcome from the Chair of the Featherston Booktown Trust

Peter Biggs, Chair

Featherston Booktown Trust, Registered Charity: CC52369

Kia ora koutou

Welcome to the seventh Featherston Booktown Karukatea Festival – where we celebrate books, storytelling and ideas. And welcome to vibrant and welcoming Featherston/Pae Tū Mōkai – Aotearoa New Zealand’s only Booktown.

This year, our highly popular Festival features 50 events and hosts 100 presenters and literary provocateurs, and 18 booksellers.

A warm welcome to our booksellers – including Featherston/Pae Tū Mōkai’s seven bookshops. They are the heart of the Featherston Booktown Karukatea Festival.

Featherston Booktown belongs to the Featherston community, many of whom generously volunteer their time and talents to ensure the Festival’s success. And it also belongs to all those who love books, reading, storytelling and ideas – and who take delight in the artefact and craft of the book.

I’d like to thank sincerely our sponsors, donors, supporters, Friends and volunteers – Featherston Booktown couldn’t happen without your generous support.

A heartfelt “huzzah” to our Operations Manager, Mary Biggs, and her wonderful team. Thanks too, to the tireless and dedicated Featherston Booktown Board of Trustees – Liz Mellish, Noelle McCarthy, Cheryl Gallaway, Mary McCallum, Lesley Christian, Craig Linkhorn, Dave Adams and Darrin Goulding. We also recognise and celebrate our Patron, Joy Cowley, and Founding Kaumātua, Lincoln Gould.

Enjoy the 2022 Featherston Booktown Karukatea Festival!

Ngā manaakitanga

Peter Biggs


About Featherston Booktown 

Booktowns are an international phenomenon, celebrating books, from their stories through to their paper, glue and ink.


Featherston is now a fully-fledged, internationally recognised Booktown.

Special thanks to Pete Monk ( for putting together the video.

Featherston's Bookstores

For full details about our town's seven all year round bookmongers, visit our Bookstores page.

Round Library

Can we ask you a favour?​

Featherston Booktown is a charity and in a normal year ticket sales make up a substantial part of our income. Recently, however, Covid restrictions mean our box office revenue has been severely reduced, while many of our costs are fixed.

We have also decided not to charge for events that are shown online as we want to make sure that any of our events are open to the widest possible audience.

Would you consider helping us fill the funding gap by making a donation? We know that not everyone is in a position to do so, but every gift helps us deliver the Karukatea Festival and our other events throughout the year and supports our writers and readers.

We hope you enjoy our online events and that you come away inspired and uplifted. Thank you again for supporting Featherston Booktown.

Make a Donation


  1. Click on the green button below and you'll be redirected to a form on a new browser tab using POLi Pay.

  2. Type in a donation amount and please provide your name and your email address so that we can email you receipt - as all donations are tax deductible as Featherston Booktown is a registered charity.

  3. You may be prompted to prove you are a human by selected images from a standard Captcha 'security' feature

  4. You will be asked to choose your NZ bank and then you'll need to supply your Internet Banking login details, the account you wish to pay from and a 'Payers' code.

...Thank you. We really do appreciate your support.

Stay up-to-date

Keep an eye on our Facebook page for news and updates for the upcoming Featherston Booktown events throughout the year.

Join our mailing list

© 2024 Featherston Booktown Trust, New Zealand Charity Registration Number CC52369

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